Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6/2012 (Joe Bonamassa gets around)

Joe Bonamassa and well...everybody.

Nobody gets around like Joe Bonamassa.

If he isn't your favorite guitar slinger he probably has played with whoever is.

A quick YouTube search unearths such gems as Joe, as a wee lad, working out with Danny Gatton's bunch...

Stuff you'd expect like, Joe stompin' with bluesers like Walter Trout...

To stuff that may surprise like Joe sitting in with classical rocker Jethro Tull...

And, Bonamassa doesn't confine his collaborations to just those still on this mortal coil either. Check out these clips where he's hooking up with deceased guitar hero's iconic axes...

And really, this is just scratching the surface. There are a bunch more clips of Bonamassa jamming with well...everybody.

Speaks well of the guy I say, works and plays well with others, ya' know?

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